Basic of malware analysis

Malware analysis is the study of malware, aiming to understand its behavior. What sets malware analysis apart from other forms of reverse engineering is that malware typically tries to take control of a system. This is why it’s important to use an isolated environment separate from the rest of the network, ensuring that the malware doesn’t accidentally infect the entire network.

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Csaw19 beleaf

In this article, we will discuss how to solve the CSAW19 Beleaf challenge. The challenge involves finding the correct key (flag) from a given program. We will walk through the analysis of the program, the creation of a Ghidra script to help us find the flag, and the final solution. The program for this challenge can be found here:

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Pdf malware

PDF documents are regularly exchanged by people, and for that reason also used by malware authors as a delivery method for their payload. Which is why it has taken the nickname payload deliver file. Opening pdf files within a chromium browser makes it harder for the payload to infect the system, because of the built-in sandboxing feature.

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